a few weeks ago, i saw my lovely niece's photo album on facebook. she called it life in toronto. immediately, i snatched a few pictures from the album and sent for my wonderfall stash. i knew what i wanted to do that night; the big bang theory season 3 and life in toronto.

the sign board is still missing a couple of elements, still on their way. the roof—the medusa roof—is rather overdone for my liking, but what's done is done.

tara is coming home next week for a short summer break and i was going to surprised her with the gift. i ended up telling her about this when i asked her for the better quality images. last week i saw she made a scrap page version of life in toronto.

yeeees...it's a gazebo explotion box!

i figured that the inside wall should be able to stand alone.

in the beginning i placed a standing easel with a canvas in the middle. beautiful; but has nothing to do with tara. then i thought of a piano; nothing to do with her life in toronto. i ordered a gazebo with a switchable lamp post from ebay; a tad too bulky.

i finally settled with the fountain of happiness...ha!

i'll keep it dear to my heart until her safe return.
edited on august 31, 2011
this project is featured on webster's pages' gallery and blog.
This project is just amazing!!!! Woo Hoo! Super nice!
OMG I just fainted!! That is the most amazing thing I have ever seen created! BEST EVER!! =)
Meus Deus... Esse é um dos projetos mais lindos que já vi! Fiquei realmente IMPRESSIONADA!!!
This is absolutely the best thing I've ever seen!!
Saw this on Webster's Pages... just gorgeous, you are so creative and very, very talented! Wish I could take classes from you, ever think of doing online tutorials???
Thanks for the scrapbook auntie :D I can't wait to actually see it. I want to be able to bring it back, but i think it would get smooshed on the luggage.
Also congratulations on getting featured on Webster! You deserve it!
This is just stunning!!
Hello! My name is Jack, I live in a country Russia, city of Orenburg. I am 13 years old and I do scrapbooking too!
You have made an impression on me ogoromnoe! I love your work, I especially like the work of "Living in Toronto."
I teach English at school and our school will be glad if you send us an email! We will respond to you, too! Thank you that you are!
I made a mistake! My name is Jane, not Jack. I am a girl:)
Oops, I can not come in contact, I will not boot! I will write here
Thank you once again
That is freaking amazing. Where do you live so I can come there and take you classes.
Saw this on Pinterest, AMAZING job!!!!
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